This dashboard presents the latest pandemic risk assessment using the methodology in
“On Topological Properties of COVID-19: Predicting and Assessing Pandemic Risk with Network Statistics”.
The below plots show the time series evolution of the network statistics of the dynamic pandemic networks of COVID-19.
The statistics presented below include the preparedness risk score (PRS) denoted by \(S_{1t}\), the severity risk score (SRS) denoted by \(S_{2t}\), the respective risk contributions, denoted by \(f_{it}\) and \(g_{it}\), of each country and of each WHO’s region: Africa, America, Asia, Eastern Mediterranean and Europe.
When using the proposed risk scores and risk contributions, please note the followings.
- Select \(S_{1t}\) if PRS for preparedness is needed. Select \(S_{2t}\) if SRS for severity assessment is needed.
- Then the corresponding risk contributions, \(f_{it}\) (if \(S_{1t}\) is selected), or \(g_{it}\) (if \(S_{2t}\) is selected) will be shown in other figures.